
Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Jubal Turned Seven

Yes, I know...I'm so far behind. Life does that. It gets busy sometimes. We've been enjoying the last few weeks of summer before the boys go back to school.  I have a 2nd grader and a kindergartner.  What?!?

Back to the post at hand, though.

Jubal turned 7 on July 12th.  Since we had already celebrated his & Gentry's birthdays with one big party, I just sent a cookie cake to daycare for him on his actual birthday so he could celebrate with his friends there.

Yes, they spelled his name wrong even though I spelled it for them twice when I called to order the cookie.  It's okay, though, because his teacher said he didn't even notice since they were all just anxious to eat it. Ha!

He got to pick what he wanted for his birthday dinner, and he picked cheesy bread.  Cheesy bread!  What he wanted, he got. :)

I'm just glad my boy enjoyed his day.


Friday, July 14, 2017

Our Fourth Of July

I was on vacation the entire week of the fourth, and we had an amazing time as a family that week. 
 I'm only going to post about our fourth today, though. 
 There are far too many pictures & fun times to share all in this post.

Larson had to work this year on the fourth, so Laney & I took the boys over to
Darla's house to swim and cool off since it was a scorching day.

Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures because I stayed inside in the AC.
You'll just have to believe me when I say the boys had a 
good time swimming for a few hours.

After Larson got home from work, we grilled some hotdogs,
ate some supper, and killed a little time before heading out
to see the fireworks in Hagan at the Wildlife Club.

The boys had their friend, Skyler, with us.

I actually flat ironed my hair & put on a little makeup. ;)

We were invited over to Tiffany & Justin's to play cornhole,
so after the fireworks, we went over there.

It's always fun to go, and we had a great time.

It was a great 4th!
I'll post more on our week later.
