You are now three whole months old. Instead of asking "Where did the time go?", I'm going to say it feels like you've been with us forever. This is our precious life now, and I'm so thankful you are a part of it.
Let's see what you've been up to this month.
- You now wear size 2 diapers.
- You are still taking 4 oz. bottles. You usually take 5 or 6 bottles, the 6th depending on if you wake up during the night. Generally, if you wake up, it's only briefly and it's only for a little bit of bottle, then you're right back to sleep.
- You are an excellent sleeper! Just like your big brother, you've slept wonderfully since you were born. Like I said, if you wake up at all during the night, it's only for a little bottle, then you're right back sleeping like an angel. You sleep late on the weekends with us, too. Yay! :)
- You're so cute when you cry. You poke your little bottom lip out & it's absolutely adorable! Your daddy & I get tickled every time you do it.
- You are still in 0-3 months clothes. I'm starting to pick you up some 3-6 months, though, because it won't be long until you move up.
- I haven't weighed you lately, but I would say you're up to about 16 lbs. You put on weight so quickly your first 2 months, but it's tapered off now. You're still growing taller, though, which is why I'm buying you 3-6 months clothes.
- You like taking a bath even more. You'll lie there and when your daddy pours water over your little body you just smile so big. I can't wait for the day that you & Jubal can take baths together. I imagine there will be water everywhere. ;)
- You smile all the time. It's the sweetest smile ever. :)
- When we talk to you, you try very hard to talk back. I love all of your little sounds. Your hands are always moving, too. I have a feeling you're going to be like your mama and talk with your hands a lot.
- Your little face is completely clear now. We still put Vaseline on it sometimes, though, just to make sure. We haven't been able to take you out in the sun or heat since it's been so hot (which intensified the "milk bumps"), but now that it's cooling off, we put your swing out on the back deck and you LOVE it outside!
- You adore your big brother and that makes my heart swell. I love you both so much and hope that y'all have an outstanding relationship as you grow up. God has surely blessed us with some awesome little boys!
Love you forever & always,