
Friday, July 12, 2013

Three Precious Years

My sweet sweet Jubal Talon,

Three very special years have already passed us by in the blink of an eye.  It is so hard for me to comprehend that you are already in K3 and learning so much more each and every day.

You are too smart for your own good. Gosh, there isn't really anything that you're not good at.  You still love to play any kind of ball.  Football, baseball, basketball, really doesn't matter as long as you have a ball. :)

You are almost 100% potty trained.  You still have accidents occasionally, but since you've moved into Mrs. Diane's K3 class, you have been doing so well.  You love Mrs. Diane and she is so good to you.  She brags on you all the time.  It makes me feel so good.

We are having you a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles party tomorrow.  That's your thing right now.  You love the turtles.  You like Scooby Doo, too.

You sing and dance all the time.  It amazes me how you know the lyrics to songs like you do.  One of your favorites is "Cruise" by Florida Georgia Line featuring Nelly.  I hope one day when/if you read this you will look that song up and jam out to it then like you do now.

You are still a great big brother.  You do, however, like to pick on poor Gentry.  He takes it most of the time, but you do bring him to tears at times.  It's not because you're intentionally trying to hurt him, but you just play too rough sometimes.  You still want him around all the time and give him the best hugs and kisses.

I can't say enough about you, my sweet boy.  You have been such a good child.  Even when you are pitching a downright fit, you are still so lovable.  I just want to hold you in my arms forever.

Thank you for allowing me the pleasure of still being able to rock you to sleep at night.  I hope you never outgrow that, even though I know some day you will outgrow my lap.  I still love to watch you sleep and listen to you breathe.  I love how you rub my skin while you're falling asleep.  I never want to forget these feelings.

You are my firstborn.  My heart could burst sometimes from the love it holds for you.  I never knew I could feel so strongly about anything or anyone. 

Thank for the best three years of my life so far.  You, Gentry, and your daddy are my world.  I hope you always know just how much you are loved, little man.  I'm so proud to be your mama.

With so much love in my heart,