
Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Birthday Parties

We've been to two of our special girl {friends} parties this past week. Miss Hadley turned four & Miss Gwen turned six.

Hadley had a small family party on Thursday night since they were leaving Friday to take her to Disney World for her birthday.  Gentry & Jubal both love Hadley, and she is my best friend's granddaughter, so we love getting to spend time with them when we can.

Hadley asked Gentry for some princess clothes.  This was his version. :)

We had a good time eating pizza & ice cream cake.  The weather was still nice outside, so the kids got to play for awhile after the party.  

My sweet Gentry never wants to leave "his" Hadley, but we made it home about 9.  It was a fun evening.


This past Saturday was the boys' friend, Gwen's birthday.  It was at a skating rink.  Neither of my boys have ever had skates on their feet.  Jubal swore he knew how to skate and has even asked for skates for his next birthday.

Bless their hearts, they couldn't even stand up with those things on, even while holding onto us or the wall.  Gentry did do well with his walker, but Jubal refused to use one or hold our hands.  He was bound & determined he was going to learn to skate.  

By the end of the party, and after many hard falls, bumps, and bruises, he was skating without holding on to the wall or anything.  I'm so proud of my persistent little guy!

Not long after this pic Gentry told us to get those things off of him & he never put them back on. Ha!

I was only able to get one picture of Jubal.  It was the one second he was using Gentry's walker, and not on the floor.  Ha!  I forgot to take any later when he was doing it on his own because he was with Gwen and his other friends, and I was tired so I went to sit down. ;)

Gwen had a rather large party, with lots of kids, and just as many adults.  We had pizza & cake, and went back out for Jubal & Ian to skate some more.  Jubal didn't even want to stay to watch Gwen open her gifts.  He was too excited to continue his mission of learning to skate.

We had a great weekend party hopping.  Busy, but fun.  My boys enjoy being on the go.  This mama likes to stay home sometimes, though.  Looks like it's going to be quite a few years before I get to stay still for any length of time, and I'm okay with that.  

Maybe it will keep me young. ;)
