
Thursday, November 29, 2012


Our Thanksgiving this year was spent with our families, just like every year. We had our new addition, Mr. Gentry, this year, though. He wasn't feeling very good and we weren't sure we were going to be able to go to the three different places we needed to go to see all of our family. We actually found out on Friday after Thanksgiving that he has asthma. He's been taking breathing treatments every day since and will finally be finished with them tomorrow. My poor, sweet boy. He feels much better today, though, thankfully.

Anyway, back to Thanksgiving. We got up early to go to Larson's mama's house. She wasn't feeling well, either, but she had cooked an amazing meal for everyone. I absolutely love her dressing and gravy.  She had a turkey and a ham since she knows Larson prefers ham.  I contributed one of my yummy chocolate delights, per a request from Larson's 9 month pregnant sister, Heather. :)

We are anxious to meet her baby boy soon.  She is naming him Gabriel.  It looks like we're going to have a bunch of little boys running around next Thanksgiving.  Her original due date was early January, but it looks like he may come before Christmas or at least by then.  She's getting pretty miserable, bless her heart.

Next, we went on to Larson's daddy's house.  Maxine, Larson's step-mother, had a feast prepared.  I'm telling you she had so much food it was unreal.  I'm surprised at how much we all, including Jubal, ate again.  It's just so hard to resist some good cooking, though. ;)

After enjoying plenty of time outside since it was an absolutely beautiful day, we then went on to my mama's house.  This year we did it the untraditional way at her house.  She knew we would have eaten way too much turkey and/or ham by the time we made it to her house, so instead my sister cooked lasagna, with salad and garlic bread for dinner.  She also cooked some of her dressing, too, just because it was Thanksgiving.  I made another chocolate delight to take to her house.  We had so many goodies.  Jubal ate at every place we went.  Gentry ended up sleeping most of the day.

I love Thanksgiving so much.  It's a lot like Christmas to me, except there's no pressure of gift-giving that comes with it.  You just get to be with your family, eat some good ol' soul food, and watch football.  Now, I need to get myself motivated to put up our Christmas trees.  I usually do it the weekend after Thanksgiving.  Last year I even put them up the Sunday before Thanksgiving so we could enjoy them for awhile longer.  I just like doing it the weekend after Thanksgiving, though, because that's how my family did it my whole life and I think I want to continue that tradition.  Here it is, though, a week later and my trees are still waiting to be put up.

I will make sure to get them up this weekend, especially since Saturday is December 1st.  Just makes the holiday that much closer, which seems to be getting me more motivated.  I need me some good Christmas music and a cup of hot chocolate to get me in the mood.  Too bad it's supposed to be in the 70's this weekend.  Oh well, I'm still going to make myself get them up so my babies can enjoy them.  After all, it's the most wonderful time of the year. :)
