The boys got their soccer pictures back last week. They turned out so cute. I'm a super proud mom.
Jubal is such a great soccer player, and for it to only be Gentry's first time, he has come so very far. As I said in a previous post, we (Larson) requested for him to be placed on the same team as Jubal which put him
just turning 4, playing with 6-7 year olds that have been playing at least one year.
Thanks to an awesome coach, Mr. Stevie, Gentry knows so much more about the game, and you should see him dribble. He's great with his feet.
Tonight is their last game of the season. We're getting pizza for the team. I'm so thankful for the friendships my boys make. I don't just sign my boys up to play ball, I sign them up to learn good sportsmanship, team work, how to take direction, how to be graceful when losing, and how to win humbly.
Here's to next soccer season. Cheers!
Front row (l-r): Anamaris, Jubal, J.P., Case, & Gentry
Back row (l-r): Coach Stevie, Blaze, Leah, Walker, Allison, Sam, & LeLe