I'm so happy Jubal came before my daddy passed away. My daddy, Gene, had been sick for many years, but his health had really began to fail him in the past three, I would say. Since my brother, Bobby, passed away it was just Daddy and a whole bunch of girls, with the exception of Larson, of course! There's my mama, Becky; my sister, Gena & her daughter, Alannah; my brother's daughter, Lyndsay & her mom, Marianne; and last, but not least, ME! So, needless to say, when I found out on November 15, 2009 that I was pregnant, everyone ~especially my daddy~ was hoping it would be a boy.
We found out on February 16, 2010 that we WERE having a boy!!! We were all very excited. Poor Daddy, though...he just never felt really well. He would say on occasion that he just wanted to make it to see his first & probably only grandson born. I would try to brush the comments off just as talk, but I knew he was tired.
My daddy did get to see his grandson! This is a picture of him holding Jubal for the first time, and my nieces, Lyndsay & Alannah. I'm so proud of this picture!
My daddy got to spend almost 8 weeks with my baby boy before he did pass away. I always want Jubal to know how special he is & how much he was wanted so badly by so many people, especially his Pappaw.
Here are a few more pictures of Jubal with his Pappaw.
Pappaw, Jubal & Alannah on his birthday 8/8/10
Me, Daddy, Jubal, Alannah & my sister, Gena
Mama, Daddy & Jubal (lying on Mama's belly)
I sure do miss my daddy, but I'm sure he is happy with Jesus. He doesn't feel any pain anymore and he can be as young or old as he wants to be in Heaven. God knew he wanted to meet Jubal before He took him home and God allowed that to happen. Thank You, God!
R.I.P. Daddy