I think next time we will try out a place we heard of called "Flying Frogs". We were told it had lots of bouncy fun, unlike Chuck E Cheese. They only had a lot of games that Jubal couldn't play, and he was too small to ride any of the fun rides. All totaled, he had four little things he was able to do while we were there. He got bored quickly, needless to say. It was fun, though. He got to scream & run around with lots of other kids, which made him pretty happy. ;)
He wanted to play the games with balls, so he & Larson played a couple rounds and won a few tickets. We ended up giving the tickets & our leftover tokens to a little girl before we left. I sure do wish they hadn't closed Monkey Joe's down in Statesboro. That place was more age appropriate for Jubal, and it was closer to home, too.
We had a very lazy Sunday. I just didn't feel like doing anything. The further along I get in this pregnancy, the less energy I seem to have. I'm a few days shy of my third trimester. Boy, has time flown by this go-around, though.
I've picked up some new outfits for Gentry, but other than that, I'm going to unpack the three huge tubs of Jubal's hand-me-downs and get them washed up & ready for our new boy. All we need to pick up now are bottles & lots of diapers. :))
We did get outside a little Sunday morning since the weather was beautiful. Jubal loves to be outside and just because I was feeling bad didn't mean he had to stay cooped up all day. We went over to my mama's house and he played in her back yard for an hour or so running around, swinging, and sliding.
As I sat on the back deck watching him & Larson play, I saw this pretty little moth (?) or bug or whatever ha! The picture doesn't do it justice. It was the brightest pink & yellow color. Even under its wings, the little fuzzy was pink and yellow, too. So pretty on a gorgeous Spring day.

I did manage to make us some jalapeno poppers for lunch. I made Larson some of his favorite "sweet treats" for me to make him, Ooie Gooie Bars, and also made my first batch of "Bunny Bait". Don't you just love Pinterest?!?
We couldn't wait until Easter to try the Bunny Bait. It was actually very good, too. Just the right mixture of salty & sweet. Yum! Jubal likes to pick the M&Ms out and just eat them. That's my boy! Oh, how I love him!!!
Well, here's to "Hump Day"! We have some Easter festivities coming up this weekend that we're looking forward to. I can't wait to dye eggs with my boy. I hope he likes the Easter Bunny better than he did Santa Claus. HA!