When we returned a week later for Gentry's 2 week checkup, he weighed in at a whole 10 lbs. 2 ozs. (95th percentile) and was 21 1/2 inches long (90th percentile). His head had grown from 14.5 inches the week before to 14 7/8. Just growing, growing, growing I tell ya! ;)
He doesn't have to go back until he goes for his two month shots on August 13. I know he's already close to eleven pounds by now. He's so good. He sleeps so good, he doesn't cry or whine a lot, and he's just a very laid back baby like Jubal was. God has truly blessed me with two outstanding little fellas. :)
The only issues we've had so far is his little face broke out pretty badly with milk bumps. I was told not to put anything with fragrance on his face so I didn't really know what to do. His pedi told me to rub a little vaseline on his face and around his forehead at the scalp. His face is looking so much better. I can't complain about a little issue like that. Thank God for healthy, happy babies! :)