
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Fourth Festivities 2012

I so almost forgot to post about our Independence Day activities.  I guess I better since July is almost over.  Goodness, how time keeps flying by!

It's hard trying to snap iPhone pics when your little one won't sit still.  Who can blame a lil' feller for being excited, though, when there's plenty of room to run AND fireworks with his buddies?!

We went back out to the high school again this year for our county's firework show.  Last year Jubal was just 8 days shy of turning the big ONE when he got to see his first fireworks.  He loved them.  This year he was a little more skeptical, but ended up loving them anyway.  The loud pops is what worried him a little.

Last year, Jubal was pretty much confined to his stroller or his daddy's arms because he couldn't walk yet.  This year, he was running all over the place with his cousin, Alannah & his friend, Olivia.  It was hot!  Those babies were sweaty after playing for over an hour before the fireworks show even started.  It got them good & ready for bed later, though. ;)

We didn't take Gentry this year.  He'll get to go to his first fireworks show right after he turns one next year.  He stayed with Mammaw & GiGi.  His little face was still broke out with milk bumps and we didn't won't to get him out in the heat, which tended to make them red and worse.  We're already looking forward to next year when both of our boys can enjoy what is looking like a family tradition in the making.

He's actually laughing in the video.  It's so dark you can't see his face so you can't tell he's smiling & laughing.

I remember going to see the fireworks when I was younger at the park with my family.  Good memories.  Memories like that are what I hope to make with my boys every year for as long as the good Lord allows. :)