
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Jubal's Pre-K Graduation

My big boy graduated Pre-K yesterday!  Soon, he will go to kindergarten, and the next thing you know, he'll be graduating from high school.  What?!

Both Larson & I were able to get off of work for awhile to be able to attend the graduation program.  It was so sweet to watch the slide show of the year, and even sweeter to hear them sing their songs.  I got some videos of some of my favorites to share.  First, though, let me share some pictures.

He was so proud to see us. :)

Getting ready to go get his certificate.

So proud of himself.  

We are so proud of him.  He had somewhat of a hard time adjusting to new rules at "big school", but his teacher's kept reminding me that he was one of the youngest ones in his class.  Most of the students were already five, and Jubal had just turned four when Pre-K started.  Over the school year, he has learned so much.  I can't wait to see what the coming kindergarten year has in store for us.

After the program, we were able to go to his classroom and get some pictures of him with his best buddy, Garrett.  I like being able to save things like this for him.  I hope he enjoys looking back on these one day.

Now, for the videos.  My favorite song was Oh, What A Miracle Am I.  

Next up, If Your Happy & You Know It.

Larson got a short video of them singing The Alphabet Song.

And last, but not least, Larson was able to get a video of him receiving his certificate since my camera battery died.  I totally forgot to charge it the night before.  Mom fail.  We managed to get this anyway.

I am so proud of Jubal.  I'm so glad I have these memories to share with him one day.  I pray the good Lord lets me live a long life, so I can see both of my boys grow, and enjoy all these precious times with them.
