
Thursday, May 7, 2015

Strawberry Pickin'

Jubal's class went on another field trip last Friday to our local strawberry patch. He had such a fun time picking him some berries. He loves strawberries and he ate every one when he got home.

He also got to see the cows up close & personal out on the farm.  This picture of him with the cows makes me laugh.  His face! ;)

Jubal has had a fun year in Pre-K.  It's hard to believe he'll be in kindergarten soon.  They all had field day today, but parents weren't allowed.  Next Wednesday is water day, and then they have another field trip to DQ before school gets out.  Lots of fun things to do as the school year comes to a end.

I'm looking forward to his End of Year program coming up May 19, too.  This school year has flown by.  Before I know it, he'll be graduating high school.  Wow!  That thought makes me want to cry a little bit.  My first baby, that I waited so long for, is really growing up on me.  I'm not sure how I feel about that right now.
